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How to book with SWM

Sailia Booking Page

Making a booking is easy. Please use the on-screen button to view dates and availability and to book:

  • Wingsurf and wingfoil lessons at our centre at QMSC (Queen Mary Sailing Club); or

  • A place on one of Simon’s windsurfing clinics at the OTC (Official Test Centre) in Weymouth 

  • A place on a RYA First Aid course run directly by SWM


Please complete and submit the form here to request:

  • A 1 : 1 WINGfoil lesson with Simon or another RYA Wingfoil Instructor at QMSC

  • An improver/advanced WINDsurf lesson with Simon at QMSC


Please complete and submit the form here to express interest in a place on one of Simon’s windsurf or wingfoil clinics in Prasonisi, Rhodes. Use this link to view the clinics on the Sportif website:


The number to call to book (or to ask about any package specifics) is Sportif Travel on 01273 844919.

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