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Marine Photography

Simon's Photography setup

SW Marine provides high quality marine images for individuals and organisations. Selected clients include Queen Mary Sailing Club (QMSC), The Official Test Centre and Royal Thames Yacht Club. We have a keen eye for the very best shots on and around the water. Capturing those perfect moments that only exist for microseconds is magical and we know how much people appreciate a great photo of themselves doing what they love.


We offer the following marine photography services:

  • Private on-water photo shoots

  • Marine event photography

  • Sales of photo stock

Sailing event

Private on-water photo shoots at QMSC

Our private on-water photo shoots at QMSC are perfect for capturing you in your element – either solo or with crew, friends or family. Many recreational sailors have never had any professional photos taken of them on the water so here is an opportunity to purchase a unique and treasured gift for somebody. The experience will be fun, memorable and the moments captured will remain for years to come.


Whether you are dinghy sailing, keelboating, windsurfing or winging we can work with you to create a wonderful set of action images. You can either use your own boat/board or make a separate arrangement as follows:

  • With QMSC to hire a dinghy, keelboat, paddleboard, sit-on-top kayak or windsurfer; or 

  • With SWM to hire wingfoil or wingsurf kit. 


If you are not a member of QMSC you are welcome to book a shoot with us and you would just need to pay for a day sail with QMSC directly.


The cost of a 2-hour private on-water photo shoot with SWM is just £375. This includes up to 30 high quality images (taken from the shore and from a powerboat) sent to you via a Pro WeTransfer link. The images are unwatermarked and yours to keep for personal, non-commercial use. Why not grab a mate and sail a doublehander or sail two windsurfers, two wingfoils or two singlehanders and split the cost to get the same 30 images each? 

Super fast wing foiling

How to book a photo shoot at QMSC:

  1. You book a photo shoot and request a date or several possible dates, describing what you are looking for in terms of:

    1. What you wish to sail and with whom

    2. your preferred wind strength

    3. what sort of images you wish to be taken (family fun, speed etc.)

  2. We agree a mutually convenient date

  3. SWM will confirm a few days in advance whether the wind and weather is forecast to be suitable. If it looks suitable then we confirm and do the shoot. If it does not look suitable then we postpone and book another date in

  4. You receive your set of up to 30 high-quality images within 48 hours

  5. The copyright for the images rests with SWM

Junior Sailing photos

Marine event photography

As a small company, most of our event photography is at QMSC. We may however be able to assist you with your sailing event at another location. Please get in touch to discuss your event and we will see what we can do.


If you would like to arrange a photo shoot for a regatta or a fleet training session at QMSC then please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

Club Sailing Photos

Sales of photo stock 

We have a portfolio of many thousands of photos of:

  • Sailing

  • Windsurfing & windfoiling

  • Wingsurfing & wingfoiling

  • Keelboating

  • Dinghy& keelboat racing


Our photo stock covers all seasons and we have images from the UK as well as from warm, windy places in other countries. If you require something specific for a website, advertising, editorial or personal use then please let us know and we will do our best to find photos that meet your needs.


Contact SWM today to arrange a photo shoot or to use one of our images.


All photos on this page and most of the images on this website have been taken by SWM who hold the copyright.

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