USED Windsurfing Equipment
Windsurfing is a sport best enjoyed on light, modern, well-maintained kit that connects easily and works perfectly. Simon's used, current-year Starboard and Severne kit comes up for sale annually and, being in demand, can be reserved in advance.
We sell selected new accessories and consumables and sometimes have other used kit for sale of various ages and brands. Please speak to us to discuss what you need.
Viewing stock and buying it online is coming soon, with click-and-collect available soon from Queen Mary Sailing Club in Surrey. In the meantime please complete the form here to let us know exactly what you require and we will get it sorted for you.

Used Windsurf Equipment
Simon’s personal Starboard and Severne Team Rider kit comes up for sale annually to make way early for the new stuff. It is all well-loved, has been regularly washed and dried naturally and is typically in excellent, used condition. Any damage or repairs (over and above general paint chips, small scratches or sail creases) will be described and prices reduced accordingly. Windsurf sails are neatly stickered with various brands. This kit is in high demand and sells quickly so why not forward-plan – as many do – and reserve it well-ahead of its sale.
Have a look to see what 2023/2024 windsurf kit can be bought or reserved now. A 15% deposit is payable to reserve any Starboard & Severne items not yet available. Reservations will be confirmed listing any serial numbers. We sometimes have other items of used windsurf kit. Please speak to us if you don’t see what you’re looking for.
Current used WINDSURF items for sale are:
Starboard full windfoil set - (£3300 new, selling for £1975 in MINT condition)
95 carbon C300 mast
800 & 1100 carbon C300 Evolution front wings
330 & 255 carbon C300 tail wings
95 & 75 Evolution fuselages
Foilbag L
2023 Starboard Kode 85, carbon
2023 Starboard Kode 85 bag
2023 Severne 430 RDM Blue mast in bag (~90% carbon)
2023 Severne 460 RDM Blue mast in bag (~90% carbon)
Severne Cyclops RDM alu extension 24 - 2 available
Severne Wave Grenade RDM carbon extension 36
Severne Triple RDM carbon extension 36
Severne harness lines fixed 28" and 30" (several sets)
K4 3SW freewave fin 26 (US box)
K4 3SW freewave fin 28 (US box)
K4 Fang freeride fin 36 (tuttle box)
K4 Fang freeride fin 38 (tuttle box)
JP WindSUP Air LE 3DS 11'0" x 34" x 6" (2021) - Great for SUP, windsurf or wingsurf - A1 condition - in bag with unused pump - £525
Fanatic Gecko 120 (vol 120, l=242cm, w=76cm, sail size up to 9.0m): white/red/blue (2019) in good overall condition with some repaired damage to nose and forward rails, 40cm fin (re-shaped a little on the tip), 4 VG straps, no bag
Tushingham 80% carbon masts (range of sizes - coming soon)
Radz RDM extensions (range of sizes - coming soon)
Aeron booms (range of sizes - coming soon)
Fins (range of sizes - coming soon)​

Typical USED SEVERNE WINDSURF kit for sale each year in excellent condition
Starboard Futura (Wood) 105/120 & Kode (Carbon Sandwich) 85/105 plus board bags for each
Severne Blade 3.3/4.0/4.7/5.3/5.7/6.2 & Gator 6.0 & Moto 5.2/6.4/7.2/8.4
Severne Enigma Wave 140-190/150-200, Enigma Freemove 170-220 & Metal Wave 150-200
RDM masts
Severne Blue (~90%) 430/460 & Gorilla (~75%) 340/370/400/430/460
Severne Wave Grenade 24/36 & Cyclops 24/36 & Triple 24/36 (each one in alu and carbon)
Severne Base (mastfoot), fixed harness lines 28” & 30” & uphauls